Arimidex Dose on TRT

Arimidex dose on TRT

Arimidex dose on TRT

Arimidex dose on TRT

Arimidex (anastrozole) reduces oestrogen levels in older women, that may also delay the growth of some kinds of breast cancers that require oestrogen to grow.

Arimidex is a drug that is used to treat postmenopausal women with breast cancer.

Arimidex dose on TRT

Arimidex is the most often used drug to control oestrogen levels during TRT. Arimidex functions as an aromatase inhibitor (AI). Androgen receptor binds to testosterone and converts it to estradiol through a process known as aromatization (a form of estrogen). Aromatase enzyme has been discovered in the sperm, brain, adipose, muscular, hair, and vascular bundles. Arimidex is used off-label in men.


AIs are divided into two types: steroidal and non-steroidal, as well as by vintage (first, second and third generations). Injectable testosterone aromatase inhibitors are rarely used in males on TRT. Aromatase inhibitors bind strongly to aromatase (irreversibly). Non-steroidal aromatase inhibitors, such as Anastrozole (Arimidex), bind to aromatase reversibly.

Arimidex is a third-generation artificial intelligence. The aromatase enzyme is not entirely inhibited by third-generation AIs. When taken in males, this partial suppression of aromatase may provide some advantage since it permits for some oestrogen production. In men, a lack of oestrogen or very low levels of oestrogen can have a negative impact on sexual function, vascular health, and weight gain.

While Arimidex is known to lower oestrogen levels in males by blocking aromatase, it can also enhance testosterone production.

Arimidex inhibits oestrogen from interfering with pituitary hormones that promote testosterone production, primarily LH and FSH. Arimidex 1mg daily has been proven in numerous clinical studies to enhance, and in some cases double, free testosterone. In TRT, persons who use Arimidex as solitary do not see an increase in hematocrit or haemoglobin levels, nor do they suffer an increase in prostate-specific antigen (PSA).


Arimidex is dosed at 0.05 to 1mg every three days, for off label usage in men. Hot flushes, dyspnea, peripheral edoema, and bone pain are some of the medication’s side effects.


Transcription factors of Selective Estrogen Receptors (SERMS)



Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) and Tamoxifen are pharmaceuticals that are selective oestrogen receptor modulators (SERM’s). SERMs work by inhibiting the oestrogen receptor in certain tissues and glands. This differs from Anastrozole, which blocks the enzymes responsible for the conversion of testosterone to oestrogen.

Estrogen is unable to influence signalling hormones that increase testosterone synthesis by inhibiting the oestrogen receptor in the pituitary or brain. SERMs also work to reduce tissue responses to oestrogen. For example, in males on TRT, an increase in oestrogen might cause breast tissue growth (Gynecomastia). SERMs can be used to prevent male breast tissue from growing or to reduce enlarging male breast tissue.

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