Avoid the following five side effects of equipoise.


Equipoise (EQ) has been known by several names throughout the years, including Ganabol, Ultragan, Boldenone Undecylenate, or just “Boldenone.”

It seems reasonable that the bodybuilding community would get interested in EQ since it was designed to be a longer-lasting alternative to Dianabol.

Equopise was first developed as a veterinary drug to help racehorses gain lean muscle mass and appetite. It received a human use licence in the 1960s and began to be marketed as Boldenone. Users at the time saw a good amount of bulking, even if it wasn’t quite like what you see now with the enormous monsters on the Mr Olympia stage. Additionally, there wasn’t much water retention, which prevented users from looking puffy.

The duration of an Equipoise cycle is typically 12 weeks, and its weekly dosage can range from 200 to 600 mg. With Equipoise, there are a lot of side effects, and the symptoms worsen as the dosage rises.

Here, we’ll go through the top five negative effects of EQ steroids.

1 Oily, Spotty Skin

The steroid equipoise has both androgenic and anabolic properties. The size and make-up of your muscle mass are considered anabolic properties. Androgenic describes male characteristics common to adolescence, such as oily skin and acne. One of Equipoise’s most prevalent side effects is an increase in skin oil production, which is all often accompanied by breakouts. Customers frequently lament having acne on their faces and backs. Face washing won’t help because an increase in androgenic substances is what is causing the breakouts.

2 Testosterone suppression

Ironically, taking Equipoise to artificially boost testosterone causes a significant decrease in your endogenous testosterone production either during or after your cycle. The prevalence of testosterone suppression among Equipoise users has been documented in several research papers, in addition to countless discussions among bodybuilders on forums. In one animal-based study, researchers discovered that administering EQ injections to male rabbits caused significant reproductive impairment, most notably a decrease in testosterone. In a separate animal experiment, levels of estradiol increased along with decreased testosterone.

3 Reduced Sexual Performance

Users of Equipoise affect sex lives. Because of the decline in testosterone and the rise in oestrogen, men may start to suffer seriously in this area.

If you use the EQ steroid, your libido will be ruined. The low levels of testosterone in your body will prevent you from feeling moody any time soon. When you combine this with the knowledge that males on Equipoise are known to experience gynecomastia, it is easy to see why your confidence in taking off your clothes is likely to suffer significantly.

Even worse, evidence suggests that using Equipoise may cause your testicles to shrink. This may not only humiliate you but also make it harder for you to get pregnant. Your sperm count won’t ever be the same once you stop taking EQ.

4 Women Develop Male Attributes

Please give one to the women. Equipoise has a reputation for virilizing individuals. At this time, women begin to display traits and characteristics that are often associated with men. For example, you could find it easier to put on muscle mass, but you’ll also start to see hair growing in odd places, such as on your face. And who amongst us wants to grow a beard?

And to top it all off, female players on Equipoise can experience a loss of their feminine traits as well as a deeper voice and more hostile behaviour. Additionally, many females bemoan the loss of their curvaceous characteristics.

5 Harm to the liver and kidneys

The third Equipoise side effect that individuals of both sexes may be nervous about is organ damage. You may have heard tales about the harm that consuming androgenic steroids can do to your liver and kidneys; you shouldn’t discount these claims. According to an animal investigation, Equipoise injections in male rabbits damaged their kidneys and liver. The same goes for humans. According to a study that was published in the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, EQ steroid injections altered the size, shape, and functionality of bodybuilders’ kidneys.

D-Bal Natural Bulking

Equipment should be used by animals, not by humans. There are some unfavourable side effects of using it. Why put your body through such strain just to put on weight? You can keep your muscle mass while also keeping your health with D-Bal. The all-natural component in Crazy Bulk D-Bal can assist your body in producing outcomes identical to those of Equipoise without causing any adverse side effects. It enables your muscles to store more nitrogen, which your cells need to manufacture more protein. Simply put, this means that you’ll gain muscle mass and strength faster!

D-Bal provides the highest anabolic environment necessary for massive muscle growth, and obtaining it doesn’t even need running the danger of receiving a severe penalty, serving time in prison, or being in terrible health.

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