Five Crucial Boldenone Facts You Need to Know 

In reality, the long-acting injectable Dianabol (Metandienone or Methandrostenolone) was to be a version of Boldenone, which is a medical term for Equipoise or Boldenone undecylenate. This article will shed some light on a few medical Boldenone side effects as well as how the Boldenone sales business truly operates.

The main distinction between Dbol and Boldenone is that the former is a hormone. Dianabol hormone has only an eight-hour half-life and is 17 alpha alkylated for oral administration in tablet form.

That 17 alpha alkylated group is absent from equipoise. Boldenone Undecylenate has an unusually long ester chain connected to it, which makes it particularly oil soluble.

So it gets to the point where it’s already an oily material in its raw form before it’s suspended in oil. Your liver’s enzymes will cut off the additional chain from the boldenone hormone once it is ultimately released. It has a syrup-like consistency. In your muscle cells, it can then interact with androgen receptors.

Boldenone has very few negative effects, yet it still has some, just like any steroid. Therefore, these adverse effects are widespread among steroids. These are conceivable but not likely:

Acne, abnormal hair growth or loss, greasy skin, prostate problems, and potential voice effects

Our recommendations are as follows if you opt to purchase Equipoise:

1) Acne.

Acne on the chest, back, and shoulder region is a common side effect of the drug bolidenone.

So be careful to apply things like antibacterial and anti-inflammatory afterwards if you are prone to acne.

2) Keep your hunger under check.

Increased hunger is brought on by boldenone. You’re likely to notice this since it has been reported by several individuals worldwide.

So you might want to keep it under control if you’re cutting, especially, and be mindful of that.

Some claim that it has caused or grown their anxiousness.

3) Avoid getting caught! (Time of detection)

Equipoise can stay in the body for months or even years since it has a very long half-life (14 days).

Therefore, it is not advised to utilise it when you are getting tested during any active sporting season.

Because there is a 99% possibility that the test will result in a positive result, you must now also be aware of that.

Although it can take up to six weeks for it to completely exit your body, it can still be found in your system for up to 18 months.

4) Manage your blood’s red blood cells.

Athletes and bodybuilders utilise EQ to boost their endurance, muscular growth, and the body’s synthesis of red blood cells.

Haematocrit levels are another negative effect that might result in a rise in red blood cell count.

You must thus pay attention to this, and we often advise that you donate blood at this time or have blood tests done throughout a cycle.

5) The secret is patience; be ready for gradual progress.

One should simply need to be aware that it won’t be abrupt or happen right away.

Equipoise is one of those substances that just has to be run for a longer period, thus it takes time.


The dosage range for EQ is 400 to 800 milligrams, and we always advise individuals to take it in moderation.

Because running at less than 500 milligrams is just less effective than running at 600 to 800, we typically never advise athletes to do so.

Cycle of Equipoise

One substance you want to run for a full 16 weeks is Boldenone.

You probably won’t notice many effects while you’re jogging at eight and 10 weeks.

Effects on various sports

Equipoise quickly rose to prominence as a preferred anabolic steroid, much like Clenbuterol, among MMA fighters, powerlifters, and competitors in any other strength-focused sports.

However, it may also be used for cutting.

Many individuals now substitute it for Deca. It won’t have the same intensity and profundity as Deca, but it can still add to excellent increases in strength and muscle growth without having all of the negative Deca side effects.

Many MMA fighters don’t discuss or are unaware that most steroid compounds don’t often boost endurance, but equipoise can. Equipoise, though, truly can. When used medically, Boldenone can encourage EPO, a substance that increases the development of the bone marrow. And it results in the increased creation of red blood cells we discussed before. Electrolyte levels may vary as a result of the increased haemoglobin and oxygen-carrying capacity that red blood cells provide.

Boldenone is adaptable, and you may get it for any situation involving pre-comp bulking or reducing. It will be successful anyway you try to achieve that with any component. However, others are simply better suited for specific locations.

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