Healthy Preventive Monitoring

You should make routine laboratory blood tests and preventative health monitoring a priority in your life. We can identify problems through preventive screening before they have a chance to worsen in the body. These usually just involve a visual examination, such as a skin cancer screening, or blood testing for inflammation, PSA, cholesterol, and other potential problems.

And yes, even if you aren’t a bodybuilder, it is still advisable to be aware of your hormone levels. It is important to regularly monitor your levels of Oestrogen, Free Testosterone, and Total Testosterone. However, there are more tests we need to get done as we age. So, which of these tests are they and when should we get them performed?

Vital signs

Men’s strokes are most commonly caused by high blood pressure. Our red blood cell count and often hematocrit are already increased due to bodybuilding and AAS use. If you are not regularly testing your blood pressure, especially throughout your period, you should. This shouldn’t have to wait until the annual test. You can easily accomplish this by yourself, and if you don’t, you will alone be responsible for your stroke.


As a result of AAS usage and the fact that AAS may have a significant impact on your lipid profile, the majority of medical professionals will advise having your cholesterol examined every three years, if not more frequently.

Liquid sugar

You should at least have your blood sugar checked once a year if you don’t currently do so frequently. If you are taking HGH, you should check it often; if not, and you choose the once-a-year test, have your A1C evaluated by your doctor. You can find out how your blood sugar has changed over the last three months thanks to this blood test.

Visual skin examination

It is clear from reading the boards that a significant portion of us have other jobs. We run a higher risk of developing skin cancer as a result. Men of any age can be affected, but those who work outside, have a history of severe sunburns, or have a family history of skin cancer are at significantly higher risk. A dermatologist can examine your skin visually and assist in determining if a mole or birthmark is developing into or is malignant. You should never put off doing this.

Blood test

Blood testing frequently includes liver function tests. Every year, this should be done. This is particularly crucial if you use oral AAS, frequently take Tylenol, or drink alcohol. If you participate in two or more of them, this will be very crucial. It’s an easy test that can provide you with the knowledge you can use to prioritise your lifestyle and choose the best course of action for your health.

Prostate and PSA

Every year, you should get a PSA blood test and a digital rectal exam to check on your prostate health. Males are more likely to develop prostate cancer than skin cancer, which is the most frequent kind of cancer among males. You should start receiving the PSA test at age 40 if you have a family history of prostate cancer or if you don’t know whether you have. If not, you should start by age 50. Take action quickly to save your life.


This should not be interpreted as medical advice. This is my view, and I’m sharing it with you because if I can spread the word and save just one life, it will have been worthwhile. Avoid leaving it until it is too late. Your primary care physician should conduct the necessary testing, and you should take action if necessary to improve the situation. Stay Strong and Healthy.

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