Hamstring curls: Twisting the legs while lying down on the machine

The “Hamstring curls” exercise, which involves bending the legs while lying on the exercise machine, will assist to strengthen and harden the leg muscles. Most gyms include a leg trainer, and ladies like using it, as well as men, since it helps to define and enhance the appearance of their legs. Although the exercise is quite simple, there are certain crucial elements that you must pay attention to to get the intended outcome.

Description and advantages of the workout

The quadriceps are tiny in persons who do not expressly exercise them, just as the thigh muscles are rarely used in daily life since they are responsible for bending the legs.

It’s essential to work out this muscle group for the body to seem symmetrical and for the muscles to grow uniformly. The ideal choice is really to bend your legs when you’re lying down since the muscles will receive quality training.

The affected muscles

It is not unexpected that many sportsmen constantly work out in the gym with a trainer like this since the workout works out the leg muscle groups.

The human body has between 640 and 850 muscles, and 200 of these are used during walking.


This particular workout targets the thigh’s back muscles alone. It was particularly well-liked for this inside the training plans of female athletes.


The popliteal, calf and thin muscles are further included in the task. The rectus and anterior tibial muscles of the thighs also serve as stabilisers.

How far should you bend your legs?

The technique for completing hamstring curls is not always the best for those who are involved, despite the exercise’s seeming simplicity. But whether they will obtain a result or would just be wasting their time on this gadget depends on this.

Implementation strategy

You need to set the trainer up for yourself first. The leg supports should be angled such that the limbs may move properly with the support when the athlete is lying down on the bench and leaning on the cushioned roller.

This exercise’s starting posture is as shown. The roller must also be positioned such that it leans just below the heel. Of course, you should also figure out your ideal weight.

  • Your pelvis should be firmly pressed on the bench when you lay on the trainer’s bench with your feet against the padded roller, and your hands should be grasping handles or grips designed for this purpose.
  • Legs should be bent so that the roller reaches the buttocks when inhaling. You should pause briefly after reaching the point of maximal load so that your hamstrings are loaded as you exhale;
  • On the inhale, they go back to the beginning position slowly but deliberately. The training regimen’s repetition count and duration
  • The quantity of reps is closely related to the athlete’s level of training and the objectives they are working towards. You must begin with a lower load and then gradually raise it. For instance, if burning fat is the aim, a novice should execute 2-4 sets of 13–25 repetitions.

In this situation, the break between sets should last for 1-2 minutes. You should choose the weight so that you have the strength necessary to complete the needed number of repetitions. It is unnecessary to attempt to imitate what seasoned sportsmen perform on the first day. It is advised to practice the lying-down limb bending exercise following the fundamental exercises to increase the mass of the muscles in the lower sections of the body.

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