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Manufacturer :ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  GenX

Product Pack :ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  10 mg

Raw Material :ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  Melanotan 2



Why buy GENX-MT2

Melanotan 2 increases the body’s melanocortin receptors, according to research. A peptide called Melanotan 2 (MT-2) was created synthetically to mimic the actions of the body’s endogenous hormone. Consuming it causes the body’s melanocytes to generate more melanin, which is what gives individuals their tans.

Melanin is the pigment that determines a person’s skin and hair colour as well as eye colour (retina). It is a hormonal mechanism whose synthesis and release are regulated by the pituitary glands by the polypeptide melanocortin. The melanocytes, specialised skin cells found in the top layer of the skin, automatically generate this hormone after it has been triggered. The way that Melanotan 2 stimulates melanin synthesis relies on a variety of variables, including the user’s skin type, body weight, level of UV exposure, and others.

Melanogenesis, the medical word for tanning, is the body’s natural defence against injury from UV radiation, including the destruction of the DNA of the skin. The skin cells’ melanin naturally tans the skin by absorbing the sun’s damaging UV photons, turning them into heat, and doing so through a process known as rapid internal conversion.

A synthetic melanocortin called Melanotan 2 imitates this natural mechanism. It stimulates the release of more melanin from the body’s skin cells hormonally. The skin is safeguarded in this manner. Without having to spend hours in the sun and the potential harm it may do to the skin and long-term health, tanning may be accomplished considerably more swiftly.

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