After a Testosterone Steroid Cycle, the Best Post-Cycle Therapy

Since it’s one of the greatest strategies to prevent experiencing the unfavourable side effects of anabolic steroids, post-cycle therapy is an essential component of bodybuilding and steroid use. However, not everyone is adept at doing quality post-cycle therapy. Everyone has to be aware that skipping a proper PCT following a steroid cycle might have more negative effects than positive ones. Failure to complete a PCT has several negative effects. Without appropriate PCT, side effects including hair loss, gynecomastia, reduced sex desire, and tiredness are just a few that might happen.

A PCT is what?

After anabolic steroid cycles, post-cycle therapy is utilised to lessen the side effects of the medications. Even if the term is quite self-explanatory, it’s important to say it again to make sure everyone understands.

After a steroid cycle, post-cycle therapy (PCT) essentially repairs any damage to the body. These medications infuse hormones into the body during the steroid cycle, which may harm some cells and organs.

These negative effects include changes in blood plasma lipid (fat) levels, elevated oestrogen levels, suppression or total cessation of natural testosterone production, and others.

The goal of post-cycle therapies is to bring hormones that harm cells and organs back to their normal levels.

If adequate PCT is not carried out following steroid cycles, some users may experience many health issues related to anabolic steroids.

The severity of these negative effects varies according to how each user reacts to the cycle, dose, etc.

It should be noted that if the body’s natural testosterone production is not resumed after an anabolic steroid cycle, many of these health problems might cause the user’s system long-term injury (thus the need for post-cycle therapy).

What PCT Protocol is the best?

Various post-cycle treatment strategies are available. The HCG regimen is the one that doctors most frequently recommend. It entails a series of injections that are given over time daily. In this method, the person’s hormones can recover and the body can rid itself of the negative consequences of steroid use. Depending on what is best for the person, the procedure may be provided in a single round or throughout multiple rounds. Although daily treatments are frequently safer to guarantee there are no issues, some doctors may propose continual HCG injections.

At what point should I begin post-cycle therapy?

Depending on the individual performing the post-cycle therapy, the answer to this question may differ. Every hormone cycle should typically be followed by the start of a PCT, which should continue until all active components have left the body. The PCT may, in some circumstances, be postponed until the person has met their objective and is no longer required to gain weight. To prevent any unwelcome side effects, the PCT can also be stopped before the patient has finished the prescription.

How long is PCT effective?

It should persist for as long as it takes your body to go back to normal, which might take anywhere between one and three months, depending on how much you used throughout your steroid cycle. That’s the quick answer. There is no set duration for PCT, however, because every person’s body responds to steroid usage differently.

You must continue taking your post-cycle treatment vitamins until your body has fully healed. Since many men report a significant drop in arousal following steroid cycles, albeit this is only temporary, it might be challenging to identify this.

Which Medicines Are Used in PCT?

In general, a variety of medications can be used during post-cycle therapy, however depending on the steroid cycle that was completed earlier, some medications are specialised to a particular type of PCT. Some of the most popular medications used in PCTs are listed below:

  1. Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate)

One of the most popular medications for PCT for testosterone is clomid. SERM, or selective oestrogen receptor modulator, stands for clomiphene citrate (Clomid). It was designed to be used as a contraceptive and has anti-estrogen properties. Contrarily, clomid is utilised as post-cycle treatment (PCT) following anabolic steroids and has anti-progesterone properties. The way that Clomid works is by preventing the body from using oestrogen. Consequently, libido and testosterone levels will increase. Men who have taken anabolic steroids to improve their athletic performance are now thought to benefit most from the usage of Clomid as PCT to replenish their testosterone levels.

  1. Nolvadex

Nolvadex is an additional medication that can be used in a PCT for testosterone. The chemical constituent and generic name of Nolvadex is tamoxifen citrate. It is offered as tablets with strengths of 10 mg or 20 mg each. It is impossible to get this drug without a prescription.

Nolvadex was initially developed as a medication for treating breast cancer, and as was predicted, it has a significant impact on lowering oestrogen levels and halting the growth of cancer.

To do this, it binds to oestrogen receptors in that region of the body, blocking oestrogen from binding and reducing or eliminating estrogen’s impact on breast tissue. By chance, men who take anabolic steroids want to stop the formation of breast tissue brought on by enhanced oestrogen activity.

  1. HCG

HCG, also known as human chorionic gonadotropin, is a medication that is made from pregnant women’s urine. Supplementing with HCG is simple and will immediately increase the amount of natural testosterone produced since their bodies cannot discriminate between HCG and natural testosterone, which women manufacture to help in placenta development.

For us to be physically strong, hormones are necessary. The main hormone that increases metabolism and promotes the development of muscles is testosterone. Anabolic drugs are frequently taken by bodybuilders to aid with muscle building, which also considerably raises testosterone levels.

A hormonal imbalance that results from stopping steroid usage might leave the body functioning with inadequate testosterone. It’s critical to remember that this sort of imbalance can also lead to melancholy, gonad malfunction, and increased fat storage.

When administered appropriately and in conjunction with post-cycle treatment, human chorionic gonadotropin allows the user’s natural testosterone production to gradually increase again without experiencing any negative side effects or long-term damage.

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