Best Steroids for Beginners in Your First Steroid Cycle

What Are Anabolic Steroids, and Why Are They Used By Athletes And Bodybuilders?

Simply put, anabolic steroids are a synthetic form of the testosterone hormone. Around the time of puberty, testosterone in males begins to have a role in the development of muscular mass. Therefore, it becomes rather obvious why we would want more of it if we were attempting to bulk up and add more heft.

Anabolic drugs can speed up the healing process, improve muscular development, and intensify your exercises. With these results, you may exercise longer, recover from injuries more quickly, and your exercises are far more effective. The finest of both worlds are present.

It’s no longer a secret that anabolic steroids are used by sportsmen and bodybuilders all over the world to enhance performance. Particularly competitive bodybuilders, whose physiques are frequently unnaturally impossible and who must bulk up quickly. To be the best, you’re going to need some help, and anabolic steroids can provide you with that help.

Many anabolic steroids help increase the number of red blood cells in your body and the quantity of oxygen getting to your muscles. The majority of the time, performance-enhancing medicines also contain anabolic steroids, which greatly enhance your body’s ability to function physically. The desire to employ these among sportsmen and bodybuilders is so natural. In terms of professional sports, it offers them an advantage over rivals. With their improved results, they may lay claim to being among the world’s top athletes.

Cycles To Start With For New Steroid Users

By this point, it should be very obvious that steroids may have some extremely negative side effects. Some of them may even be irreversible and need medical intervention through invasive treatments.

Because of this, any beginner-level steroid cycles should be developed after much research unless you want to run the risk of major consequences.

How Do Cycles Work?

It only makes sense to define a steroid cycle before we go on to describe the cycle itself.

Steroids shouldn’t be utilised for regular lengths of time when you first start taking them. If you’re not careful with your dosing, injecting massive amounts of hormones and steroids into your body can potentially be fatal.

To gradually wean off the effects of the steroids and thoroughly drain them out of their systems, sportsmen and bodybuilders utilise steroids in cycles. Additionally, it is preferable to enter Post-Cycle treatment to combat any mood changes that may result from the use of several anabolic steroids. Once you’ve recovered from the effects of the steroids, you can restart your typical 4- to 8-week steroid cycles.Next, we’ll discuss some of the top beginning steroid cycles that may enhance the results of your exercises and lessen the severity of side effects.

Only-Dianabol cycle

A Dianabol cycle lasts for eight weeks, the first five of which are spent using 30mg of the drug daily before entering Post Cycle Therapy.

Only Winstrol Cycle

A Winstrol cycle lasts for eight weeks and should be taken for the first five of those weeks, followed by three weeks of PCT.

Only Cycle Using Testosterone Enanthate

Testosterone Enanthate cycles span 15 weeks, during which time you take 500 mg of the steroid weekly until week 10, and then you skip weeks 11 and 12. After then, you enter PCT for the next weeks.

Dianabol and Testosterone Enanthate Cycle

Due to Dianabol’s relative lightness, many bodybuilders choose to stack it with testosterone enanthate to increase its effectiveness. A 15-week cycle of Testosterone Enanthate and Dianabol is normal.

You should take 30mg of Dianabol every day and 500mg of testosterone enanthate every other day for the first 4 weeks.

You just need to take 500 mg of testosterone enanthate per week from week 5 to week 10. After then, weeks 11 and 12 are spent on a break. You must begin Post Cycle Therapy between weeks 13 through 15.

Nandrolone Decanoate with Testosterone Enanthate Cycle

A 17-week cycle of testosterone enanthate and nandrolone decanoate is used. You should take 400mg of Nandrolone Decanoate and 500mg of testosterone enanthate each week for the first 10 weeks.

From weeks 14 to 17, you receive Post Cycle Therapy after taking a vacation from weeks 11 to 13.

Why Is Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) Necessary Following a Steroid Cycle?

The body’s normal hormone synthesis is suppressed while you undergo a steroid cycle. Therefore, if you take testosterone, your body stops manufacturing testosterone completely after realising that there is still a lot of surplus testosterone in the bloodstream. This explains why numerous steroid side effects, including gynecomastia, high blood pressure, and erectile dysfunction, occur in individuals.

To prevent the unwanted effects, post-cycle therapy entails taking medications that cause your body to start manufacturing these hormones naturally. Additionally, you must participate in PCT if you want to keep your muscular gains following the steroid cycle. Gains are lost if hormone levels decline. Therefore, PCT had two purposes: it helped you avoid steroid side effects, and it also helped you keep the gains you had acquired during the cycle.

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