Cycle, Benefits, and Side Effects of Testosterone Undecanoate

This article is about testosterone undecanoate, its functions, as well as its advantages, drawbacks, and safe usage guidelines. This information will help you to decide if testosterone undecanoate is good for you, we’ll also look at some of the scientific studies on the substance. You ought to be well-versed in all there is to know about testosterone undecanoate by the conclusion of this article!

What Do Studies On Testosterone Undecanoate Say?

The testosterone ester testosterone undecanoate was created in the 1980s. It is a testosterone ester with a longer ester chain than the majority of other testosterone esters and a lengthy half-life. Due to its longer duration of effect, testosterone undecanoate is occasionally used to treat low testosterone levels.

The effects of testosterone undecanoate on individuals have not been extensively studied. According to a 2006 paper, testosterone undecanoate was successful in boosting muscular development and strength in men with low testosterone levels in a small experiment. A further study that was published in 2009 found that testosterone undecanoate may improve sexual performance in males with low testosterone levels.

Benefits of Testosterone Undecanoate

Testosterone undecanoate may provide several advantages. These consist of:

IGF-1 growth hormone synthesis is increased because more protein must be produced and because growth hormone has an anabolic effect on skeletal muscle. The activation and proliferation of muscle satellite cells, a process required for the development of muscles, may also be aided by IGF-I.

The capacity to function at greater levels is the biggest benefit of having more red blood cells in your body. Because oxygen can remove acid from the body, the condition of your red blood cells—which carry more oxygen, haemoglobin, and nutrients to the muscles—leads to better performance, endurance, and recovery.

Reduced levels of glucocorticoids- Your body releases stress hormones during exercise, which are molecules that lead to worry and tension. These stress hormones will naturally increase when you engage in vigorous exercise, and they aid in the loss of muscle mass by promoting protein loss and negatively affecting the anabolic hormone insulin. Because testosterone lowers glucocorticoid levels, it keeps you anabolic while preventing muscle loss.

Increased retention of nitrogen- To increase anabolism, which aids in the formation of lean muscle mass, a high-quality protein should be employed. Muscle growth in the body is harmed by a negative nitrogen balance. Muscle tissue is lost as the nitrogen balance shifts from being anabolic to catabolic, or into the negatives. Nitrogen retention levels are increased by testosterone above and above what would be possible without steroids.

Protein synthesis is enhanced- By stimulating cells to produce more proteins, this hormone aids in promoting protein synthesis, which supports the development of muscles. This process is essential for the growth of substantial muscle mass when taking Testosterone Undecanoate since regular resistance exercise and a high-quality protein diet also promote protein synthesis, which is amplified when paired with a testosterone steroid at high doses.

Considering Testosterone Undecanoate’s Safety

The possibility of negative effects exists with testosterone undecanoate, just like with any other testosterone ester. These negative impacts might consist of:

  • Acne
  • Modifications to cholesterol levels
  • Prostate growth
  • Hair fall
  • Heart disease risk is now more likely
  • Mood shifts

Routines and dosage 

Your age, sex, weight, and other variables affect the ideal dosage of testosterone undecanoate. Before beginning any new supplement or testosterone therapy, always check with your doctor.

The usual dosage range is 1000–2000 mg per day, divided into 2-4 doses. It is advised some bodybuilders divide the dosage into two 500 mg injections spaced 12 hours apart.


The typical cycle of testosterone undecanoate lasts 8 to 12 weeks. You should adhere to your doctor’s post-cycle treatment (PCT) plan to make sure your body heals and returns to normal. The most popular PCT plan for testosterone undecanoate is taking Clomid for 4 weeks, then Nolvadex for 4 weeks. With the aid of your doctor, create a personalised PCT plan that takes into account your requirements.

Testosterone Cypionate, Enanthate, and Undecanoate

A testosterone ester that has a lengthy half-life and releases slowly into the body is testosterone undecanoate. It is therefore perfect for use as a mass-gaining tool. Other testosterone esters require more frequent injections since they have shorter half-lives, such as testosterone enanthate and testosterone cypionate.

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