How Do Androgens And Androgenic Steroids Work?

Both men and women use androgens like androgenic steroids in their pursuit of absurd size and muscular gain. Although you may be familiar with them as anabolic steroids, the advantages these substances offer are centred on enhancing muscle growth and speeding up recovery. The adverse effects of androgenic steroids are nothing to play about, notwithstanding the anecdotal stories and scientifically validated results.

Is There A Difference Between Androgenic And Anabolic?

Let’s clarify the differences between androgenic and anabolic steroids. These are not two distinct steroid varieties. Although they are the same item, the names change due to the physical characteristics they champion.

Physical traits that relate to growth throughout puberty are referred to as androgenic. During puberty, highly androgenic hormones like testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) are released in huge numbers, which causes the voice to become deeper, the growth of facial hair, and the development of muscular mass.

A steroid’s increased androgenic effects have a lot of negative side effects, such as cardiac problems and testosterone dependence. This may result in the emergence of more masculine traits in women, such as facial hair and a deeper voice.

Anabolic: In contrast, the term “anabolic” only refers to its effect on lean muscular tissue. The anabolic impact of steroids on muscle mass promotes size and form growth. Finding a steroid that promotes anabolic advantages without the androgenic adverse effects is the main objective of most users.

How Androgenic Steroids Are Used by People

Steroids, whether androgenic or anabolic, can be administered orally as a pill, tablet, skin implant, cream, gel, or injection. The two most typical dosage forms for steroids are tablets and injections.

Unless specifically instructed differently by a physician, it is always advised to take steroids in cycles. A typical anabolic steroid cycle, also known as the on-cycle, might last as little as four weeks or as long as 12 weeks. More knowledgeable steroid users frequently lengthen their cycles.

The user then goes on an off-cycle at which time they cease using the steroid. Before the start of the following on-cycle, this can persist for as little as four weeks or as long as a few months. The user will immediately begin taking a supplement known as a post-cycle treatment supplement to lessen the adverse effects of androgenic steroids.

Additionally, you can stack steroids, which is the practice of combining two or more dissimilar but complementing steroids. This is done to maximise the compound benefits while minimising the estrogenic negative effects. While it could be useful throughout a cycle, the risk of serious adverse effects increases with increased steroid use.

A popular class of anabolic steroids

There are around a dozen anabolic steroids that may be found on the black market, but 10 are frequently mentioned as being the most effective for enhancing athletic ability and muscular growth:

  • Dianabol
  • Anavar
  • Sustanon
  • Clenbuterol
  • Trenbolone
  • Winstrol
  • Deca Durabolin
  • HGH, or human growth hormone
  • Anadrol

Side Effects of Androgenic Anabolic Steroids

There is no getting around the adverse effects of steroid usage. The harshness is the sole distinction. Here are the most frequent side effects, whether legally prescribed or illicitly taken, that doesn’t appear to have a long-term negative influence on your health or require significant prescription medication:

  • Bloating (puffy appearance)
  • Skin conditions, especially a rise in acne
  • Hair fall
  • Your libido may change (it may get better or worse)


It might be alluring to increase muscle bulk and enhance athletic performance using androgenic drugs and the androgens they produce, but at what cost?

Androgenic drugs have a long range of negative side effects that outweigh any positive results. Natural supplements are a safer option when used in conjunction with a well-planned exercise and food regimen. They offer comparable advantages without any of the negative consequences of androgenic steroids.

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